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RFC-8555 compatible ACME protocol structures.

AcmeAuthorization dataclass

Bases: object

ACME Authorization resource.


Name Type Description
domain str

Domain name.

url str

Authorization URL.

AcmeAuthorizationStatus dataclass

Bases: object

Authorization status response.


Name Type Description
status str

Current status.

challenges List[AcmeChallenge]

List of ACME challenge.

AcmeChallenge dataclass

Bases: object

ACME challenge resource.


Name Type Description
type str

Challenge type, i.e. http-01, dns-01, ...

url str

Challenge confirmation URL.

token str

Challenge token.

AcmeDirectory dataclass

Bases: object

ACME directory.

ACME directory is the structure containing endpoint urls for given server.


Name Type Description
new_account str

URL to create new account.

new_nonce Optional[str]

URL to get a new nonce.

new_order str

URL to create a new order.

external_account_required bool

True, if new_account requires external account binding.

AcmeOrder dataclass

Bases: object

ACME order resource.


Name Type Description
authorizations List[AcmeAuthorization]

List of possibile authirizations.

finalize str

URL to finalize the order.

ExternalAccountBinding dataclass

Bases: object

External account binding for .new_account() method.


Name Type Description
kid str

Key identifier.

hmac_key bytes

Decoded HMAC key.