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pgbouncer collector

pgbouncer collects PgBouncer statistics.


The common collector's configuration is:

Parameter Type Default Description
id String Collector's ID. Must be unique per agent instance.
type String Must be pgbouncer
interval Integer agent.defaults.interval Repetition interval in seconds
labels Object Additional collector-level labels
relabel Array Optional relabeling rules. See Relabeling Rules for details

The collector-specific configuration is:

Parameter Type Default Description
host String Server instance host for TCP connection
port Integer Server instance port for TCP connection
socket String Unix socket path
username String Username to connect database
password String Password to connect database
database String pgbouncer The name of pgbouncer internal database

Config example:

- id: Pgbouncer
  type: pgbouncer
  username: postgres
  password: secret

Collected Metrics

Metric Metric Type Description
pgb_total_xact_count Total number of SQL transactions pooled by pgbouncer
pgb_total_query_count Total number of SQL queries pooled by pgbouncer
pgb_total_received Total volume in bytes of network traffic received by pgbouncer
pgb_total_sent Total volume in bytes of network traffic sent by pgbouncer
pgb_total_xact_time Total number of seconds spent by pgbouncer when connected to PostgreSQL in a transaction, either idle in transaction or executing queries
pgb_total_query_time Total number of seconds spent by pgbouncer when actively connected to PostgreSQL, executing queries
pgb_total_wait_time Time spent by clients waiting for a server, in seconds



pgbouncer collector appends the following labels

Label Description
db Database name

PgBouncer Setup

Ensure your pgbouncer.ini has the following sections:


Where the <username> must match to the collector's configured username.

Sample Output