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postgres collector

postgres collects PostgreSQL instance statistics.


The common collector's configuration is:

Parameter Type Default Description
id String Collector's ID. Must be unique per agent instance.
type String Must be postgres
interval Integer agent.defaults.interval Repetition interval in seconds
labels Object Additional collector-level labels
relabel Array Optional relabeling rules. See Relabeling Rules for details

The collector-specific configuration is:

Parameter Type Default Description
host String Server instance host for TCP connection
port Integer Server instance port for TCP connection
socket String Unix socket path
username String Username to connect database
password String Password to connect database
exclude_databases Array [postgres, template0, template1] Exclude databases from output
only_databases Array Restrict output only to given databases. Overrides exclude_databases

Config example:

- id: Postgres
  disabled: false
  type: postgres
  username: postgres

Collected Metrics

Metric Metric Type Description
pg_numbackends Gauge Number of backends currently connected to this database.
pg_xact_commit Counter Number of transactions in this database that have been committed.
pg_xact_rollback Counter Number of transactions in this database that have been rolled back.
pg_blks_read Counter Number of disk blocks read in this database.
pg_blks_hit Counter Number of times disk blocks were found already in the buffer cache, so that a read was not necessary
pg_tup_returned Counter Number of live rows fetched by sequential scans and index entries returned by index scans in this database.
pg_tup_fetched Counter Number of live rows fetched by index scans in this database.
pg_tup_inserted Counter Number of rows inserted by queries in this database.
pg_tup_updated Counter Number of rows updated by queries in this database.
pg_tup_deleted Counter Number of rows deleted by queries in this database.
pg_conflicts Counter Number of queries canceled due to conflicts with recovery in this database
pg_temp_files Counter Number of temporary files created by queries in this database
pg_temp_bytes Counter Total amount of data written to temporary files by queries in this database
pg_deadlocks Counter Number of deadlocks detected in this database.
pg_checksum_failures Counter Number of data page checksum failures detected in this database
pg_blk_read_time Counter Time spent reading data file blocks by backends in this database, in seconds
pg_blk_write_time Counter Time spent writing data file blocks by backends in this database, in seconds
pg_session_time Counter Time spent by database sessions in this database, in seconds
pg_active_time Counter Time spent executing SQL statements in this database, in seconds
pg_idle_in_transaction_time Counter Time spent idling while in a transaction in this database, in seconds
pg_sessions Counter Total number of sessions established to this database.
pg_sessions_abandoned Counter Number of database sessions to this database that were terminated because connection to the client was lost.
pg_sessions_fatal Counter Number of database sessions to this database that were terminated by fatal errors.
pg_sessions_killed Counter Number of database sessions to this database that were terminated by operator intervention.


postgres collector appends the following labels

Label Description
db Database name

Sample Output