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Project's Code Base

The code base of the project has following structure:

  • .devcontainer/ - Developer's container configuration for VSCode Remote Containers. Just reopen project in remote container to get ready-to-development environment.
  • .github/ - GitHub settings

  • .requirements/ - Python dependencies for development environment.

    • build.txt - Setuptools build requirements.
    • docs.txt - Mkdocs Material dependencies.
    • ipython.txt - [IPython] dependencies.
    • lint.txt - Black, Flake8, and Mypy dependencies.
    • test.txt - Pytest dependencies.
  • docs/ - Mkdocs documentation.

  • examples/ - Project's examples.
  • src/ - Project's source code.
  • tests/ - Project's Pytest test suite.
  • .gitignore - Gitignore file.
  • Dockerfile - Dockerfile for development container.
  • mkdocs.yml - Mkdocs configuration file.
  • pyproject.toml - pyproject.toml file for python tools configuration.