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cpu collector

cpu collects the host's CPU usage statistics.


The common collector's configuration is:

Parameter Type Default Description
id String Collector's ID. Must be unique per agent instance.
type String Must be cpu
interval Integer agent.defaults.interval Repetition interval in seconds
labels Object Additional collector-level labels
relabel Array Optional relabeling rules. See Relabeling Rules for details

Config example:

- id: CPU
  type: cpu

Collected Metrics

Metric Metric Type Labels Platform Description
cpu_user Gauge cpu All ???
cpu_nice Gauge cpu All ???
cpu_system Gauge cpu All ???
cpu_interrupt Gauge cpu All ???
cpu_idle Gauge cpu All ???
cpu_iowait Gauge cpu Linux ???


cpu collector appends the following labels

Label Description
cpu CPU number

Config Discovery

cpu collector supports the Config Discovery by default. To disable a particular block use the --config-discovery-opts option:

gufo-agent --config-discovery --config-discovery-opts=-cpu

Sample Output

# HELP cpu_idle CPU Idle time, %
# TYPE cpu_idle gauge
cpu_idle{cpu="0"} 97 1682413626
cpu_idle{cpu="1"} 93 1682413626
cpu_idle{cpu="2"} 98 1682413626
cpu_idle{cpu="3"} 94 1682413626
# HELP cpu_interrupt CPU Interrupt time, %
# TYPE cpu_interrupt gauge
cpu_interrupt{cpu="0"} 0 1682413626
cpu_interrupt{cpu="1"} 0 1682413626
cpu_interrupt{cpu="2"} 0 1682413626
cpu_interrupt{cpu="3"} 0 1682413626
# HELP cpu_iowait CPU IOwait time, %
# TYPE cpu_iowait gauge
cpu_iowait{cpu="0"} 0 1682413626
cpu_iowait{cpu="1"} 0 1682413626
cpu_iowait{cpu="2"} 0 1682413626
cpu_iowait{cpu="3"} 0 1682413626
# HELP cpu_nice CPU Nice time, %
# TYPE cpu_nice gauge
cpu_nice{cpu="0"} 0 1682413626
cpu_nice{cpu="1"} 0 1682413626
cpu_nice{cpu="2"} 0 1682413626
cpu_nice{cpu="3"} 0 1682413626
# HELP cpu_system CPU System time, %
# TYPE cpu_system gauge
cpu_system{cpu="0"} 0 1682413626
cpu_system{cpu="1"} 2 1682413626
cpu_system{cpu="2"} 0 1682413626
cpu_system{cpu="3"} 3 1682413626
# HELP cpu_user CPU User time, %
# TYPE cpu_user gauge
cpu_user{cpu="0"} 2 1682413626
cpu_user{cpu="1"} 5 1682413626
cpu_user{cpu="2"} 1 1682413626
cpu_user{cpu="3"} 2 1682413626