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Metrics Reference

Metric Type Collector Labels Help
avg_ns Gauge dns query, type Average response delay of the serie in nanoseconds
bytes Gauge http Response size in bytes
compressed_bytes Gauge http Compressed response size in bytes
cpu_idle Gauge cpu cpu CPU Idle time, %
cpu_interrupt Gauge cpu cpu CPU Interrupt time, %
cpu_iowait Gauge cpu cpu CPU IOwait time, %
cpu_nice Gauge cpu cpu CPU Nice time, %
cpu_system Gauge cpu cpu CPU System time, %
cpu_user Gauge cpu cpu CPU User time, %
exec_parsed Counter exec script Parsed metric items
fs_available Gauge fs dev, mount, type Available disk space, bytes
fs_free Gauge fs dev, mount, type Free disk space, bytes
fs_inodes Gauge fs dev, mount, type Inodes used
fs_inodes_available Gauge fs dev, mount, type Inodes available
fs_inodes_total Gauge fs dev, mount, type Total inodes count
fs_total Gauge fs dev, mount, type Total disk space, bytes
io_in_flight Gauge block_io dev Number of I/Os currently in flight, requests
io_read_ios Counter block_io dev Number of read I/Os processed
io_read_merges Counter block_io dev Number of read I/Os merged with in-queue I/O
io_read_sectors Counter block_io dev Number of sectors read
io_read_ticks Counter block_io dev Total wait time for read requests, ms
io_ticks Gauge block_io dev Total time this block device has been active, ms
io_time_in_queue Gauge block_io dev Total wait time for all requests, ms
io_write_ios Counter block_io dev Number of write I/Os processed
io_write_merges Counter block_io dev Number of write I/Os merged with in-queue I/O
io_write_sectors Counter block_io dev Number of sectors written
io_write_ticks Counter block_io dev Total wait time for write requests, ms
jitter_ns Gauge dns query, type Jitter of the response delay of the serie in nanoseconds
max_ns Gauge dns query, type Maximal response delay of the serie in nanoseconds
mem_active Gauge memory Active memory, bytes
mem_active Gauge memory ???
mem_active Gauge memory ???
mem_active Gauge memory ???
mem_active_anon Gauge memory Active anonymous memory, bytes
mem_active_file Gauge memory Active pagecache memory, bytes
mem_anon_huge_pages Gauge memory Non-file backed huge pages mapped into userspace page tables
mem_anon_pages Gauge memory Non-file backed pages mapped into userspace page tables
mem_avail_ext Gauge memory ???
mem_avail_pagefile Gauge memory ???
mem_avail_phys Gauge memory ???
mem_avail_virt Gauge memory ???
mem_available Gauge memory estimate of how much memory is available for starting new applications
mem_bounce Gauge memory Memory used for block device 'bounce buffers'
mem_buffers Gauge memory Memory in buffer cache
mem_cache Gauge memory ???
mem_cache Gauge memory ???
mem_cache Gauge memory ???
mem_cached Gauge memory Memory in the pagecache
mem_commit_limit Gauge memory Total amount of memory currently available to be allocated on the system
mem_committed_as Gauge memory The amount of memory presently allocated on the system
mem_direct_map_1g Gauge memory The amount of memory being mapped into the kernel space with 1GB size pages
mem_direct_map_2m Gauge memory The amount of memory being mapped into the kernel space with 2MB size pages
mem_direct_map_4k Gauge memory The amount of memory being mapped into the kernel space with 4k size pages
mem_dirty Gauge memory Memory waiting to be written back to disk
mem_file_huge_pages Gauge memory Memory used for filesystem data (page cache) allocated with huge pages
mem_file_pmd_mapped Gauge memory Page cache mapped into userspace with huge pages
mem_free Gauge memory Free memory in bytes
mem_huge_page_size Gauge memory default hugepage size (in kB)
mem_huge_tlb Gauge memory total amount of memory (in kB), consumed by huge pages of all sizes
mem_inactive Gauge memory Memory which has been less recently used
mem_inactive Gauge memory ???
mem_inactive Gauge memory ???
mem_inactive Gauge memory ???
mem_inactive_anon Gauge memory Anonymous memory that has not been used recently and can be swapped out
mem_inactive_file Gauge memory Pagecache memory that can be reclaimed without huge performance impact
mem_k_reclaimable Gauge memory Kernel allocations that the kernel will attempt to reclaim under memory pressure
mem_kernel_stack Gauge memory Memory consumed by the kernel stacks of all tasks
mem_load Gauge memory ???
mem_m_locked Gauge memory Memory locked with mlock()
mem_mapped Gauge memory files which have been mmaped, such as libraries
mem_nfs_unstable Gauge memory Always zero. Previous counted pages which had been written to the server, but has not been committed to stable storage
mem_page_tables Gauge memory Memory consumed by userspace page tables
mem_paging Gauge memory ???
mem_per_cpu Gauge memory Memory allocated to the percpu allocator used to back percpu allocations. This stat excludes the cost of metadata
mem_s_reclaimable Gauge memory Part of Slab, that might be reclaimed, such as caches
mem_s_unreclaim Gauge memory Part of Slab, that cannot be reclaimed on memory pressure
mem_sh_mem Gauge memory Total memory used by shared memory (shmem) and tmpfs
mem_sh_mem_huge_pages Gauge memory Memory used by shared memory (shmem) and tmpfs allocated with huge pages
mem_sh_mem_pmd_mapped Gauge memory Shared memory mapped into userspace with huge pages
mem_slab Gauge memory in-kernel data structures cache
mem_total Gauge memory Total memory in bytes
mem_total_pagefile Gauge memory ???
mem_total_phys Gauge memory ???
mem_total_virt Gauge memory ???
mem_unevictable Gauge memory Memory allocated for userspace which cannot be reclaimed
mem_vmalloc_chunk Gauge memory largest contiguous block of vmalloc area which is free
mem_vmalloc_total Gauge memory total size of vmalloc virtual address space
mem_vmalloc_used Gauge memory amount of vmalloc area which is used
mem_wired Gauge memory ???
mem_wired Gauge memory ???
mem_wired Gauge memory ???
mem_writeback Gauge memory Memory which is actively being written back to the disk
mem_writeback_tmp Gauge memory Memory used by FUSE for temporary writeback buffers
mem_zfs_arc Gauge memory ???
min_ns Gauge dns query, type Minimal response delay of the serie in nanoseconds
net_rx_errors Counter network iface Total number of receive errors
net_rx_octets Counter network iface Total number of octets received
net_rx_packets Counter network iface Total number of packets received
net_tx_errors Counter network iface Total number of transmit errors
net_tx_octets Counter network iface Total number of octets sent
net_tx_packets Counter network iface Total number of packets sent
pg_blks_hit Counter postgres db Number of times disk blocks were found already in the buffer cache, so that a read was not necessary
pg_blks_read Counter postgres db Number of disk blocks read in this database.
pg_checksum_failures Counter postgres db Number of data page checksum failures detected in this database
pg_conflicts Counter postgres db Number of queries canceled due to conflicts with recovery in this database
pg_deadlocks Counter postgres db Number of deadlocks detected in this database.
pg_numbackends Gauge postgres db Number of backends currently connected to this database.
pg_sessions Counter postgres db Total number of sessions established to this database.
pg_sessions_abandoned Counter postgres db Number of database sessions to this database that were terminated because connection to the client was lost.
pg_sessions_fatal Counter postgres db Number of database sessions to this database that were terminated by fatal errors.
pg_sessions_killed Counter postgres db Number of database sessions to this database that were terminated by operator intervention.
pg_temp_bytes Counter postgres db Total amount of data written to temporary files by queries in this database
pg_temp_files Counter postgres db Number of temporary files created by queries in this database
pg_tup_deleted Counter postgres db Number of rows deleted by queries in this database.
pg_tup_fetched Counter postgres db Number of live rows fetched by index scans in this database.
pg_tup_inserted Counter postgres db Number of rows inserted by queries in this database.
pg_tup_returned Counter postgres db Number of live rows fetched by sequential scans and index entries returned by index scans in this database.
pg_tup_updated Counter postgres db Number of rows updated by queries in this database.
pg_xact_commit Counter postgres db Number of transactions in this database that have been committed.
pg_xact_rollback Counter postgres db Number of transactions in this database that have been rolled back.
pgb_total_query_count Counter pgbouncer db Total number of SQL queries pooled by pgbouncer
pgb_total_received Counter pgbouncer db Total volume in bytes of network traffic received by pgbouncer
pgb_total_sent Counter pgbouncer db Total volume in bytes of network traffic sent by pgbouncer
pgb_total_xact_count Counter pgbouncer db Total number of SQL transactions pooled by pgbouncer
ps_child_major_faults Counter procstat Labels Total number of major faults that process waited-for children made
ps_child_minor_faults Counter procstat Labels Total number of minor faults that process waited-for children made
ps_cpu_usage Gauge procstat Labels Total CPU usage in percents
ps_involuntary_context_switches Counter procstat Labels Total involuntary context switches
ps_major_faults Counter procstat Labels Total number of major faults which require loading memory from disk
ps_mem_data Gauge procstat Labels Data segment size
ps_mem_lib Gauge procstat Labels Shared library code size
ps_mem_locked Gauge procstat Labels Locked memory size
ps_mem_rss Gauge procstat Labels Resident set size
ps_mem_stack Gauge procstat Labels Stack segment size
ps_mem_swap Gauge procstat Labels Swapped-out virtual memory size
ps_mem_text Gauge procstat Labels Text segment size
ps_mem_total Gauge procstat Labels Total memory
ps_minor_faults Counter procstat Labels Total number of minor faults which do not requirie loading memory from disk
ps_num_fds Gauge procstat Labels Number of open files
ps_num_threads Gauge procstat Labels Number of threads
ps_read_bytes Counter procstat Labels Total bytes read
ps_read_count Counter procstat Labels Total read I/O operations
ps_voluntary_context_switches Counter procstat Labels Total voluntary context switches
ps_write_bytes Counter procstat Labels Total bytes written
ps_write_count Counter procstat Labels Total write I/O operations
redis_active_defrag_hits Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_active_defrag_key_hits Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_active_defrag_key_misses Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_active_defrag_misses Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_active_defrag_running Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_allocator_active Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_allocator_allocated Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_allocator_frag_bytes Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_allocator_frag_ratio Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_allocator_resident Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_allocator_rss_bytes Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_allocator_rss_ratio Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_aof_current_rewrite_time_sec Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_aof_enabled Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_aof_last_cow_size Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_aof_last_rewrite_time_sec Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_aof_rewrite_in_progress Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_aof_rewrite_scheduled Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_aof_rewrites Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_aof_rewrites_consecutive_failures Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_async_loading Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_blocked_clients Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_client_recent_max_input_buffer Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_client_recent_max_output_buffer Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_clients_in_timeout_table Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_cluster_connections Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_connected_clients Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_connected_slaves Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_current_active_defrag_time Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_current_cow_peak Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_current_cow_size Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_current_cow_size_age Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_current_eviction_exceeded_time Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_current_save_keys_processed Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_current_save_keys_total Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_dump_payload_sanitizations Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_evicted_clients Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_evicted_keys Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_expire_cycle_cpu_milliseconds Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_expired_keys Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_expired_stale_perc Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_expired_time_cap_reached_count Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_instantaneous_input_kbps Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_instantaneous_input_repl_kbps Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_instantaneous_ops_per_sec Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_instantaneous_output_kbps Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_instantaneous_output_repl_kbps Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_io_threaded_reads_processed Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_io_threaded_writes_processed Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_io_threads_active Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_keyspace_hits Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_keyspace_misses Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_latest_fork_usec Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_lazyfree_pending_objects Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_lazyfreed_objects Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_loading Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_master_repl_offset Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_master_replid2 Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_maxclients Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_maxmemory Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_mem_aof_buffer Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_mem_clients_normal Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_mem_clients_slaves Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_mem_cluster_links Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_mem_fragmentation_bytes Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_mem_fragmentation_ratio Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_mem_not_counted_for_evict Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_mem_replication_backlog Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_mem_total_replication_buffers Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_migrate_cached_sockets Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_module_fork_in_progress Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_module_fork_last_cow_size Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_number_of_cached_scripts Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_number_of_functions Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_number_of_libraries Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_pubsub_channels Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_pubsub_patterns Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_pubsubshard_channels Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_rdb_bgsave_in_progress Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_rdb_changes_since_last_save Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_rdb_current_bgsave_time_sec Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_rdb_last_bgsave_time_sec Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_rdb_last_cow_size Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_rdb_last_load_keys_expired Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_rdb_last_load_keys_loaded Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_rdb_last_save_time Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_rdb_saves Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_rejected_connections Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_repl_backlog_active Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_repl_backlog_first_byte_offset Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_repl_backlog_histlen Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_repl_backlog_size Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_reply_buffer_expands Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_reply_buffer_shrinks Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_rss_overhead_bytes Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_rss_overhead_ratio Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_second_repl_offset Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_slave_expires_tracked_keys Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_sync_full Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_sync_partial_err Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_sync_partial_ok Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_total_active_defrag_time Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_total_commands_processed Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_total_connections_received Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_total_error_replies Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_total_eviction_exceeded_time Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_total_forks Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_total_net_input_bytes Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_total_net_output_bytes Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_total_net_repl_input_bytes Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_total_net_repl_output_bytes Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_total_reads_processed Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_total_system_memory Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_total_writes_processed Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_tracking_clients Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_tracking_total_items Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_tracking_total_keys Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_tracking_total_prefixes Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_unexpected_error_replies Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_uptime_in_seconds Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_used_cpu_sys Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_used_cpu_sys_children Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_used_cpu_sys_main_thread Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_used_cpu_user Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_used_cpu_user_children Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_used_cpu_user_main_thread Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_used_memory Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_used_memory_dataset Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_used_memory_functions Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_used_memory_lua Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_used_memory_overhead Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_used_memory_peak Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_used_memory_rss Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_used_memory_scripts Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_used_memory_scripts_eval Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_used_memory_startup Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_used_memory_vm_eval Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_used_memory_vm_functions Gauge redis host, port ???
redis_used_memory_vm_total Gauge redis host, port ???
requests_failed Counter dns query, type Failed DNS requests
requests_success Counter dns query, type Successful DNS requests
requests_total Counter dns query, type Total DNS requests performed
spool_jobs Counter spool path Total spool jobs processed
spool_jobs_failed Counter spool path Spool jobs failed to process
spool_jobs_success Counter spool path Spool jobs processed successfully
spool_parsed Counter spool path Parsed metric items
swap_cached Gauge memory Memory that once was swapped out, is swapped back in but still also is in the swapfile
swap_free Gauge memory Memory which has been evicted from RAM, and is temporarily on the disk
swap_total Gauge memory total amount of swap space available
tcp4_sockets_used Gauge sockets Total amount of IPv4 TCP sockets used
tcp6_sockets_used Gauge sockets Total amount of IPv6 TCP sockets used
time_ns Gauge http Response time in nanoseconds
twamp_duration_ns Gauge twamp_sender Session duration in nanoseconds
twamp_in_avg_delay Gauge twamp_sender Average inbound delay in nanoseconds
twamp_in_jitter Gauge twamp_sender itter of the inbound delay in nanoseconds
twamp_in_loss Gauge twamp_sender Packet loss in inbound direction
twamp_in_max_delay Gauge twamp_sender Maximum inbound delay in nanoseconds
twamp_in_min_delay Gauge twamp_sender Minimum inbound delay in nanoseconds
twamp_in_mos Gauge twamp_sender eMOS for local end
twamp_out_avg_delay Gauge twamp_sender Average outbound delay in nanoseconds
twamp_out_loss Gauge twamp_sender Packet loss in outbound direction
twamp_out_max_delay Gauge twamp_sender Maximum outbound delay in nanoseconds
twamp_out_min_delay Gauge twamp_sender Minimum outbound delay in nanoseconds
twamp_out_mos Gauge twamp_sender eMOS for remote end
twamp_reflected_pkt Counter twamp_reflector Total amount of the reflected packets
twamp_rt_loss Gauge twamp_sender Packet loss in both directions
twamp_rx_bitrate Gauge twamp_sender Received bitrate
twamp_rx_bytes Gauge twamp_sender Received octets
twamp_rx_packets Counter twamp_sender Received packets
twamp_rx_pps Gauge twamp_sender Received packet-per-second rate
twamp_tx_bitrate Gauge twamp_sender Transmitted bitrate
twamp_tx_bytes Counter twamp_sender Transmitted octets
twamp_tx_packets Counter twamp_sender Transmitted packets
twamp_tx_pps Gauge twamp_sender Transmitted packets-per-second rate
udp4_sockets_used Gauge sockets Total amount of IPv4 UDP sockets used
udp6_sockets_used Gauge sockets Total amount of IPv6 UDP sockets used
uptime Counter uptime System uptime